Selected papers will be suggested to below listed journals for publication. It is to mention that the final review will be done according to the journal policy and the final decision will be made by that journal.

CEJOR (Central European Journal of Operations Research)
Indexing: SCIE - JCR , IF: 1.7

Special Issue Title:

"Persons and Freight Transportation in the age of Sustainable and Collaborative Logistics"

For more information about the Special Issue, click "HERE"


ORP (Operations Research Perspectives)

Indexing: ESCI - JCR , IF: 2.5

Special Issue Title: 

"Resilient, Sustainable and Smart Supply Chain Management in the Healthcare Industry: Application of Data Analytics and Optimization Techniques"

For more information about this Special Issue, click "HERE"


IJSOM (International Journal of Supply and Operations Management) 

Indexing: SCOPUS



JTOM (Journal of Turkish Operations Management)

Indexing: EBSCO - TRDizin

IJMS (Iranian Journal of management Studies)

Indexing: WoS - Scopus


Indexing: Google Scholar - EBSCO

JODM (Journal of Optimization and Decision Making)

Indexing: Google Scholar